Software and Hardware - Shawn Poellet, Technical Director

Technical Director
Technical Director
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Software and Hardware
Univeristy of Northern Iowa
I have on multiple occasions developed custom hardware and software to control systems or equipment.

PTZ Camera Controller
Our video system has 4 PTZ cameras but only one controller.  It is not ideal in a fast based production to have one operator trying to control all the cameras.  I developed software that allows multiple operators to control the PTZ cameras using a simple laptop and a cheap Xbox style controller.

Hyperdeck Remote
Our video system has 8 BlackMagic Design Hyperdeck Studio Mini video recorders setup for ISO recording.  However BlackMagic Design does not provide a way to control all their decks at once.  I developed an application that controls all 8 and can simultaneously start or stop the recordings.

Wireless DMX LED Pixel Driver
For a few productions we have needed the ability to wirelessly control LED pixels from the lighting console.  We were not interested in spending the high amounts for existing systems so I developed a wireless pixel drive.  The PCB was manufactured in house and the enclosure was 3D printed.  The system transmitter receives DMX data from the lighting network using Art-Net.

Wired Pixel Driver
Very similar to the wireless project but simply wired.  In the current configuration the driver can control eight universes of LED pixels. With further development of the software it could theoretically control twenty four universes.
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